12 USC 411: A USA statute allowing the redemption of all funds in lawful money, indicating payment in gold and silver.
18 USC 241 and 242: USA laws regarding deprivation of rights under color of law, resulting in fines and imprisonment.
Abbreviated Terms: Shortened forms of words or phrases.
Adhesion contract: A type of contract where one party has significantly more power than the other, often found in agreements with government agencies or corporations. A contract that is drafted by one party and presented to another party on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, with n. opportunity for negotiation.
Adoptive Birth Certificate: A birth certificate issued to an adopted child that lists the adoptive parents, potentially obscuring the child's biological origins.
Affidavit: A written statement confirmed by oath, often used as evidence in court.
All Caps Name: The practice of writing a person's name in all capital letters to denote a corporate entity. This represents a loss of legal standing for living men and women.
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice: A phrase indicating that the signer does not accept the terms of a contract or obligation, preserving their rights.
Ambiguity (in legal terms): The presence of unclear or imprecise definitions in legal language, which can lead to misunderstandings or mis-applications of the law. Often used deliberately to coerce individuals to unknowingly forgo their rights.
American State National: A designation for individuals born on American soil who choose to reclaim their rights.
Assumed Names: Names other than an individual’s legal name that are recognized for business or legal purposes.
Baby Deed: A document that counters a birth certificate to reclaim ownership of a child back to the parent.
Bankruptcy of Entities: A state of financial insolvency affecting government and corporate entities.
Birth Certificate: A legal document stating the date and place of an individual's birth, often including the names of the parents.
Birth Certificate Fraud: The illegitimate practice of altering or misusing birth certificates to change an individual's legal status without consent.
Born Date: The day a person took their first breath, which reflects their actual birth date.
CAFR Accounts: [USA] Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, which detail the financial status of public entities and often reveal hidden funds.
Certificate of Assumed Name: A legal document declaring a business name different from the owner's personal name.
Ceste Qui Vie Act: An act from 1666 in England that declared men and women as lost at sea and established legal trusts over their estates. The act does recognize the rights of individuals to reclaim ownership over trusts that were created without their knowledge or consent.
Clean Hands Doctrine: A legal principle stating that a party cannot seek equitable relief or assert a legal claim if they have engaged in unlawful or un-ethical behavior.
Commercial motor vehicle: Any self-propelled or towed vehicle used on public highways in commerce.
Common Law Communities: Groups organized under common law principles, focusing on community-based governance and rights.
Common law rights: The fundamental rights of English society that allows an individual to be free to act and live as they please provided that they do no harm, and cause no loss. In the legal world it is taught that such rights are those that have evolved through court decisions, customs and legal precedents rather than through written laws (i.e. acts and statutes).
Constitutional Obligations: Duties or responsibilities defined in a constitution that governing bodies are to uphold.
Continental marshals: A proposed law enforcement body meant to uphold constitutional law and protect individual rights from unlawful government actions.
Copper Moonshine Steels Passport: A type of passport intended for use by individuals asserting their status as American state nationals.
DNA Paramount Claim: A legal claim asserting ownership and rights over one's DNA from the moment of conception.
Dead Baby Scam: A term used to describe the fraudulent practices surrounding the use of dual birth certificates to create a corporate identity, based on the 'life' of the placenta that is also delivered at the time of the birth of the baby.
Declaration of Naturalization: A legal procedure to declare one's status as an American state national.
Declaration of Political Status: A formal statement regarding an individual's legal status concerning citizenship or allegiance to a government.
Deed of Reconveyance: A legal document used to transfer the title of a property back to the original owner, often used here to reclaim one's legal identity back to the individual f'rom the state.
Doctrine of necessary implication: TBD
Double Identity Theft Scheme: A tactic where both the individual and their legal person (straw man) are mis-identified or trafficked between jurisdictions.
Dual Jurisdiction: The legal principle involving the distinction between land-based (common law) and water-based (admiralty law) jurisdictions.
Ecclesiastical Law: A legal system or body of laws and regulations developed by church authorities.
Ecclesiastical Record: Documentation related to the church or ecclesiastical authorities, especially pertaining to individuals' births or events.
Exemption from foreign law: A claim stating that an individual is not subject to the jurisdiction of certain laws or codes established by foreign entities.
Fear Factor: The psychological barrier that individuals face when confronting a change in status or challenging authority.
Fee Schedule: A document that lists the charges for services rendered, which can be used to inform corporations of potential costs incurred due to trespasses or harms done to an individual.
Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA): [USA] A law that sets limits on when a foreign sovereign can be sued in U.S. courts, used in rebuttals to protect personal sovereignty.
Fraud on the court: A legal term referring to deceptive practices that lead to an unfair case outcome.
Habeas corpus: A legal principle that protects individuals from arbitrary detention by allowing them to seek relief from unlawful imprisonment.
Human Trafficking: The illegal trade of humans, often for the purposes of forced labor, sexual slavery or commercial sexual exploitation, which can involve the manipulation of birth records.
Indemnity: Security or protection against financial loss or legal liability, often asserted in legal claims.
Infant Decedent Estate: A legal entity created at the time of birth registration, which can be involved in legal matters and may represent the individual in court.
International effort: Collaboration among multiple countries to achieve common goals, especially in the context of governance and rights.
Jurisdiction: The official power to make legal decisions and judgments, typically referring to the authority of a court or of a court system.
Land and Soil Jurisdiction: The legal classifications that define the rights and governance associated with territorial versus municipal jurisdiction.
Lawful Money: Currency that is recognized as valid and shall not be subject to taxation, including gold and silver.
Living Person: An individual who exists outside the realm of corporate definitions typically associated with legal entities.
Living Soul: A period of time from birth to registration where the individual exists solely with their living God.
Militia Assembly: A community or group organized for defense and local governance, focused on safety and response to emergencies. One the '4 Pillars'.
Millennials: The generation of individuals born between approximately 1981 and 1996, often characterized by their experiences with changing technologies.
Misdemeanor: A minor crime that is typically punishable by fines or less than one year of imprisonment.
Municipal Rebuttal: Refers to legal defenses against municipal actions, particularly in the context of identity theft and fraud on the court.
NESARA/GESARA: Proposed economic reforms aimed at bringing about financial relief and justice on a national and global scale.
National State (County) Level Identity: Refers to an individual's identification and standing within national legal systems, in direct contrast with corporate identities.
Naturalization Act: [USA] Legislation establishing the conditions under which immigrants can become U.S. citizens, emphasising allegiance to the state.
Notary block: A section of a document where a notary public indicates that they witnessed the signing of the document.
Notice of Sole Dependency: A document affirming an individual’s sole rights and responsibilities over a child.
Permanent Domicile: The established and permanent residence where an individual legally resides.
Power of Attorney: A legal document allowing one person to act on behalf of another in legal or financial matters.
Proper Case Name: The correct formatting of an individual's legal name, used to distinguish it from all-capital names that represent legal fictions in court.
Public Law: Laws that govern the relationship between individuals and the government, and include regulations regarding individuals' rights.
Public Record: The set of Documents and recordings that are maintained by government agencies, which can be accessed by the public. Used for transparency and for formally publicising legal notices.
Rebuttal: A counter-argument or evidence presented to contradict a claim made in a legal context.
Reconstruction of the Republic: The ongoing effort to restore individual rights and lawful governance within the United States.
Record of Life: A document intended to serve as a replacement for a birth certificate, capturing an individual's existence.
Reflagging: The act of changing the flag under which a vessel operates, representing a change in legal status.
Res judicata: A legal doctrine that prevents a party from re-litigating an issue that has already been judged in a court.
Right to travel: The legal principle that individuals have the freedom to move about without undue restraint from the government.
Self Governance: The ability of individuals or communities to govern themselves without external control or intervention. This concept is fundamental to democracy and local autonomy, allowing for decision-making based on the needs and values of the community.
Semantic deceit: The use of language that misleadingly or falsely represents an idea or concept, often in legal contexts.
Sovereignty: The authority of a state (county) or individual to govern themselves or make laws and decisions without external interference.
Straw Man: A legal term referring to an artificial person or entity created for the purpose of carrying out legal actions in a corporate context. A legal fiction created by corporations or governments that represents a person's trade name, often leading to jurisdictional confusion.
Subrogation: The act of one party stepping into the shoes of another party to claim their rights or interests, often seen in legal contexts regarding claims.
Territorial Citizen: A person who is considered a citizen under territorial laws and subject to their statutes, often contrasted with those claiming rights as a living person.
Traffic script: A set of statements or phrases used by individuals to assert their rights when interacting with law enforcement regarding traffic law.
Trespassers Accountability: The principle of holding individuals or entities accountable for infringing upon personal rights.
UCC 1-308: A provision in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) that allows individuals to reserve their rights when signing documents, ensuring that they do not unintentionally waive any such rights.
UCC financing statement: A legal form used to secure a creditor's interest in the collateral of a debtor.
Vatican: The central governing body of the Catholic Church, often mentioned in discussions about global influence and control.
Voter Cancellation: The act of officially withdrawing oneself from the voter registration rolls.