County Co-ordinators

To begin the process of your personal (re)conveyance back to your historic county and the Land and Soil of England, please contact your local county co-ordinator at their email address as shown below.

The co-ordinator will be able to provide advice and assistance in the process of correctly populating, completing and recording your personal Political Status Correction document pack.

If your county is not shown here, please contact one the national co-ordinators:

Geoff Cook:  [email protected]

Richard Parris: [email protected]

David Adelman: [email protected]

Stephen Tovey: [email protected]

We are currently seeking volunteers who are willing to act as County Co-ordinators in order to extend the process of re-conveying the English people back to the Land and Soil and reconstituting our lawful County Assemblies, for all of the original 39 Counties of England. As the original political bodies upon which our nation was built, these are the foundations of the system which allow us to assert the will of the people once again. Contact one of the national co-ordinators for more details.

Alternatively contact us at: [email protected]
Cheshire Co-ordinator(s): Richard Parris

Email: [email protected]
Devon Co-ordinator(s): Steve Cook
Email: [email protected]
Dorset Co-ordinator(s): Fiona

Email: fiona@[email protected]
Essex Co-ordinator(s): Dwight Wood 
Email: [email protected]
Hampshire Co-ordinator(s): Geoff Cook
[email protected]
Kent Co-ordinator(s): David Adelman
Email: [email protected]
Lancashire Co-ordinator(s): Gregory Allen

Email: [email protected]
Peter Green
Email: [email protected]
Upcoming Events (Cornwall)
Middlesex Co-ordinator(s): Tamari
Email: [email protected]
Somerset Co-ordinator(s): Stephen Tovey

Email: [email protected]
Sussex Co-ordinator(s): Deborah Dawson

Email: [email protected]
Warwickshire Co-ordinator(s): Omari

Wiltshire Co-ordinator(s): Alison Gale

Email: [email protected]
Yorkshire Co-ordinator(s): Keith Davies

Email: [email protected]