The Essex Assembly

(The English Counties Assembly)

For over 300 years, our Land and Soil has been abandoned, left undefended, by those we have employed, to secure and protect our unalienable rights guaranteed to us by our Constitution, the ‘Magna Carta’; ‘The Charter of the Forest’ and the English ‘Bill of Rights’. Instead, our public servants have been operating fictional corporate entities, styled to misrepresent our lawful persons and government, as legal entities, operating in International Law of the Sea and Air –Admiralty, Maritime, Uniform Commercial Code and Municipal and Ecclesiastical Law – none of which are jurisdictions of our birthright.

In the same way that our living assets have been seized upon by the creation of the CORPORATE fiction (the LEGAL STRAWMAN) via the Municipal Corporations Act and the Cestui Que Vie Trust Act – so too have the assets of our nation. What has been done to us is in effect Human Trafficking, Unlawful Conversion and Fraud by Misrepresentation – and it is long-overdue time that we set the public record straight. But how.

Why engage with TECA?

The 39 Historic Counties are the Land and Soil upon which our nation was built – without the Counties there is no “England”

The history of the Land and Soil of England extends back to the Norman Conquest of 1066 and the later Domesday Book of 1086. In this latter document, England, as we know it today, was first defined as a Nation of Nations – with each County and it’s ruling Baron being declared as “Kingdoms (and Kings) within their own right” – individual sovereign entities with a common allegiance to the crown of Gaul.

The Domesday Book serves as the original Norman Land Patents which secure the right of those Historic Counties as sovereign entities and the ACTUAL, FACTUAL Land and Soil that defines the Nation of England in international law. A Land Patent is simply a Declaration of Fact in International Law and like any other declaration – it stands as fact unless otherwise refuted.

The English Counties Assembly


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Meet Anna Von Reitz

” Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you. Its decisions are supposed to be made by you. Its primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers."

Read My Story

That’s why governments exist.
And that is the only reason for any government to exist, ever. But what if your government doesn’t protect you?